In this page there will be all the artwork from our postz.We will put where we got the art in parenthesiz under the work(z).
"This is a customized drawing chart. If you comment, I can create a character for you. To have a character made, put the section letter and the number that you want. Place commaz in between each section. For any section with letterz and numberz in it, you need to put one of each letter. Also, in the "Extra" section, you can pick out more than one object, as long as they don't contradict each other. This appliez to jewelry, as well. For any number that sayz "custom", place the section letter, the number that statez "custom", and what you want to be put in. If you choose a weapon, you cannot have a prop. However, you can have one or the other. Finally, place the name you want for your character." -Nate

(Nate- Sorry guyz, the scanner messed up my drawing by darkening the entire picture. I will try to post an edited version later)

"This is a customized drawing chart. If you comment, I can create a character for you. To have a character made, put the section letter and the number that you want. Place commaz in between each section. For any section with letterz and numberz in it, you need to put one of each letter. Also, in the "Extra" section, you can pick out more than one object, as long as they don't contradict each other. This appliez to jewelry, as well. For any number that sayz "custom", place the section letter, the number that statez "custom", and what you want to be put in. If you choose a weapon, you cannot have a prop. However, you can have one or the other. Finally, place the name you want for your character." -Nate

(Nate- Sorry guyz, the scanner messed up my drawing by darkening the entire picture. I will try to post an edited version later)
(My Sister)
(My Sister)














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